Wall with tiled accents featuring Santa Ana College dimensional letter identityWall with tiled accents featuring Santa Ana College dimensional letter identityWall with tiled accents featuring Santa Ana College dimensional letter identityWall with tiled accents featuring Santa Ana College dimensional letter identityWall with tiled accents featuring Santa Ana College dimensional letter identity

Santa Ana, California

Santa Ana College

Located in an urban center, Santa Ana College serves students from over 40 different countries, offering numerous concentrations and majors leading to associate degrees in science or the arts. RSM Design created an overall master signage system to help distinguish districts, which are focused on program and educational specializations, in order to aid students in navigating the campus. Paying respect the Spanish architectural style, custom tile work was applied to benches and also themed throughout banners and signposts. As an added element of delight, cut metal work was used to bring natural elements of native vegetation to articulate pathways.




Santa Ana College

Design awards

RSM Design worked with Santa Ana College to create a wayfinding system and public art system for the higher-education campus
RSM Design worked with Santa Ana College to create a wayfinding system and public art system for the higher-education campus
RSM Design worked with Santa Ana College to create a wayfinding system and public art system for the higher-education campus
RSM Design worked with Santa Ana College to create a wayfinding system and public art system for the higher-education campus
RSM Design worked with Santa Ana College to create a wayfinding system and public art system for the higher-education campus. Amenity Signage.
RSM Design worked with Santa Ana College to create a wayfinding system and public art system for the higher-education campus. Illuminated Project Identity on Landscape Wall.
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Westberg + White, Inc.