Graeco-Roman archaeological stele located in the eastern Mediterranean.Graeco-Roman archaeological stele located in the eastern Mediterranean.Graeco-Roman archaeological stele located in the eastern Mediterranean.Graeco-Roman archaeological stele located in the eastern Mediterranean.Graeco-Roman archaeological stele located in the eastern Mediterranean.

Karacasu, Turkey


RSM Design began working with New York University and numerous cultural and philanthropic groups in Turkey in 1998 to implement a new site tourist sign program at one of the most important Graeco-Roman archaeological sites in the eastern Mediterranean. Currently on the list of consideration as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Aphrodisias was in need of a systematic approach to wayfinding for the numerous international tourists that are guided through the site.




Design awards

With the opening of the site’s museum, the sign program has been completed after 10 years of development, testing, and implementation of the program. Using local village craftsman and regional materials for the sign construction, the site signage uses multi-lingual information panels to introduce the history of the area and aid in the navigation through the city. RSM Design also designed and coordinated the display and exhibit panels for the on-site Aphrodisias Museum.

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