Buffalo Outer Harbor integrative environmental wayfinding designBuffalo Outer Harbor integrative environmental wayfinding designBuffalo Outer Harbor integrative environmental wayfinding designBuffalo Outer Harbor integrative environmental wayfinding designBuffalo Outer Harbor integrative environmental wayfinding design

Buffalo, New York

Buffalo Outer Harbor

Buffalo Outer Harbor is a 200 acre, formerly industrial open space along Lake Erie. RSM is working with both Olin and TWMLA for a sign program that connects the site and lays the groundwork for all future phases. In phase one, the primary goals are foster public access and support new private uses, including a beer garden, marina, and concert venue.



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Design awards

The kiosk roof is inspired by the flight of birds along the international flyway. This formal elements connects destinations with a uniform, yet highly flexible set of landmarks, that adapts easily to restrooms, a bike shops and interpretive kiosks along the lake edge. The sign program  uses the same material palette with durable cedar beams and powder-coated aluminum framing. All site elements are custom the location—to withstand its intense weather and take advantage of wide open views with vertical forms and a bold pop of color.

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