Exterior concrete & white geometric monument signage at Alexandria Center for Life Science Campus in San Carlos, California.Exterior concrete & white geometric monument signage at Alexandria Center for Life Science Campus in San Carlos, California.Exterior concrete & white geometric monument signage at Alexandria Center for Life Science Campus in San Carlos, California.Exterior concrete & white geometric monument signage at Alexandria Center for Life Science Campus in San Carlos, California.Exterior concrete & white geometric monument signage at Alexandria Center for Life Science Campus in San Carlos, California.

San Carlos, California

San Carlos Life Science Campus

The Center for Life Science is a hub for bio-technology research and development offices with alluring amenities and a sprawling landscape. RSM Design focused on expanding the brand presence of this 10 building campus, which is spread across two parcels. The design team also worked to connect the Center for Life Science campus into a holistic identity and wayfinding program. Additionally, RSM Design was involved with the creation of parking garage graphics on site. These structures are a visitor’s first impression to the project, so it was important that the design gave way to a strong sense of arrival. The abstract patterning within the signage components tie back to the biotech and medical background of the space, while maintaining a timeless and modern aesthetic to fulfill the ultimate goal of unifying the campus. Working with the the real estate team and multiple architectural and landscape consultants, RSM Design worked with all disciplines to create an integrated system.




Alexandria Real Estate Equities

Design awards

Wayfinding Design For The Future of Science

The design team researched and tested several strategies for wayfinding design at the science and technology campus. Through stakeholder engagement, the collaborative team established unique solutions for the life science labs and research and development facilities, focusing on innovation and the future. Clear and sophisticated signage design guides visitors throughout the campus, while placemaking also inspires creativity and delight.

A bio-tech campus designed for innovation with integrated amenities that foster collaboration & community
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