Close up detail of two people holding hands in the background behind the Salazar Family Foundation logo. The logo is yellow squares that make up a heart.Close up detail of two people holding hands in the background behind the Salazar Family Foundation logo. The logo is yellow squares that make up a heart.Close up detail of two people holding hands in the background behind the Salazar Family Foundation logo. The logo is yellow squares that make up a heart.Close up detail of two people holding hands in the background behind the Salazar Family Foundation logo. The logo is yellow squares that make up a heart.Close up detail of two people holding hands in the background behind the Salazar Family Foundation logo. The logo is yellow squares that make up a heart.

Denver, Colorado

Salazar Family Foundation

RSM Design collaborated with The Salazar Family Foundation to reposition and refresh their brand. The foundation has grown up within the last 10 years and felt their brand needed to resemble who they are and what they hope to achieve in the next 10 years. By championing a more joyful and modern approach, the new strategy and brand identity announce the Salazar Family Foundation to a global audience and bring excitement and inspiration to the Denver community. Working with the client and stakeholder team, RSM under went a workshop and discovery phase, resulting in an newly articulated vision and set of values that will help guide the future of the foundation as they expand their philanthropic efforts beyond education.




Salazar Family Foundation

Design awards


Starting the project with a brand discovery, RSM Design and the stakeholders learned about the purpose and drivers of the foundation. RSM Design then articulated their brand with a brand vision which incorporated the brand mission, brand essence, brand filters and brand values. The posters above are the four brand values and brand essence. It was important to the client that the brand be modern and vibrant in their brand refresh.

Once RSM Design articulated the brand filters and tone of the brand – modern, communal, heartfelt and sophisticated. The logo brings together an abstract modern heart paired with a contemporary serif and represents the building blocks of a community.  The foundation needed a robust brand kit of parts to layer in the variety of philanthropy and provide layers to how the brand could live.

Inspiring a Legacy of Kindness.
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