Wayfinding pedestrian directional signage designed for Irvine Company offices in Irvine, California. Flag pole street sign to mark the plaza.Wayfinding pedestrian directional signage designed for Irvine Company offices in Irvine, California. Flag pole street sign to mark the plaza.Wayfinding pedestrian directional signage designed for Irvine Company offices in Irvine, California. Flag pole street sign to mark the plaza.Wayfinding pedestrian directional signage designed for Irvine Company offices in Irvine, California. Flag pole street sign to mark the plaza.Wayfinding pedestrian directional signage designed for Irvine Company offices in Irvine, California. Flag pole street sign to mark the plaza.

Various Locations

Irvine Company Office Properties

RSM Design created a comprehensive iconography, wayfinding system, and map guidelines to help implement customer offerings in the workplace. Irvine Company Office Properties [ICOP] was rolling out an amenity initiative across 150 locations nationwide intended to enhance the customer experience. Already in place were numerous amenities, such as dry cleaning pick-up and convenience stores, but relatively few customers knew they existed. Additionally, ICOP was implementing some new “premium” amenities intended to provide spaces to gather and recharge. State-of-the-art fitness and wellness centers ("Kinetic"), outdoor workspaces, Wi-Fi, BBQ, and Bocce ("Commons") were amongst the additions intended to enhance the work-life balance. With all of these offerings, ICOP was in need of a standard visual language. RSM Design was tasked with designing a flexible but consistent iconography, as well as a guidelines and wayfinding system that could be easily implemented across hundreds of properties. Additionally, a directory map system, which needed to translate well to digital applications, was needed to ensure cohesiveness across all properties.




Irvine Company

Design awards

RSM Design used the newly designed Kinetic and Commons logos as a basis from which to simplify existing icons and create new ones. Strong guidelines ensure that the 50+ icons are consistent, easy-to-read, and adaptable for use on dark or light backgrounds, as well as across a variety of mediums including print and digital. Once the iconography was established, the RSM Design team created directory map standards, signage and wayfinding, designing a simple but adaptable family of signs that could be used seamlessly in both classic campuses and contemporary office settings. To date, ICOP has implemented this comprehensive system at nearly two dozen properties, seeing increase in customer use, as well as an increase in the sales at the cafés.

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