Joining the RSM Design team for the summer of 2016 are four fabulous interns! Over the past week we’ve welcomed Tyler, Claire, Santiago, and Will to the RSM Design team and wasted no time immersing them into the studio life and getting them primed to take on a variety of projects in the coming weeks. Coming from a pool of national and international talent, these college (and high school!) students are gearing up to learn the ins and outs of architectural graphic design and learn valuable lessons they can take back to their studies with them in the fall. Read on to learn a few fun facts about the newest members of the team!


Hometown: San Juan Capistrano, CA

School + Grade: San Jose State University, Senior

Major: Industrial Design

What are you looking forward to learning and doing this summer at RSM Design?

I’m excited to be working with Will this summer, since he is also an industrial design major (and apparently a Jack of All Trades. It seems that everyone on the RSM team is, really!) In University, I have become very used to the design project types and deliverables, but at RSM it looks like I will gain a lot of experiences and be challenged this summer. I’m looking forward to this, coupled with a wonderful, fun team to work with!

What are your hobbies and what do you like to do in your spare time?

  • I run a lot. Not very fast… But often!
  • I also enjoy hiking and camping
  • Trying to improve my photography skills
  • I’m a pretty big nerd when it comes to consumer electronics and apps
  • I’m also a vegan and a terrible cook, so it has been a great hobby/arduous task learning to make vegan dishes with friends

Give us your favorite design-related quote:

“Good designs are like good jokes. If you have to explain it, it just isn’t that good.”

“If you can design one thing, you can design everything.” –Massimo Vignelli


Hometown: San Clemente, CA

School + Grade: Santa Margarita Catholic High School, Senior

Academic Interests: Photography, Architecture, Graphic Design, Theater Tech (makeup, lighting, sound, set design)

What are you looking forward to learning and doing this summer at RSM Design?

I am looking forward to being a part of an office community and seeing what working in the design industry is like.

What are your hobbies and what do you like to do in your spare time?

  • I love photography and theater tech
  • I love hanging out with my family and friends
  • I love travelling with my family

Give us your favorite design-related quote:

“When nothing goes right, just go left.”


Hometown: San Clemente, CA

School + Grade: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Sophomore

Major: Computer Science and Electrical Computer Engineering

What are you looking forward to learning and doing this summer at RSM Design?

Learning more about the environmental graphic design field.

What are your hobbies and what do you like to do in your spare time?

  • Hang out with my friends
  • Read
  • Eat food
  • Be active
  • Making stuff
  • Fixing stuff

Give us your favorite design-related quote:

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” –Albert Einstein


Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico

School + Grade: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Sophomore

Major: Computer Science and Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering

What are you looking forward to learning and doing this summer at RSM Design?

Developing my skills in graphic and wayfinding design to later apply in the development of new technologies.

What are your hobbies and what do you like to do in your spare time?

  • I like to design and make apps, websites, and robots
  • I play the violin and enjoy magic tricks

Give us your favorite design-related quote:

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” –Steve Jobs