On Friday, December 15, the Dallas AIA chapter announced that RSM Design’s Harry Mark, FAIA was awarded the AIA President’s Medal. The announcement was made at AIA Dallas’s Holiday Party, and the chapter President, Nunzio DeSantis, FAIA, presented the award and made this tribute:

“One of the enduring responsibilities that comes with the presidency of AIA Dallas is the privilege to recognize a truly outstanding recipient for the annual President’s Medal. This year’s award goes to someone who has been an incredible leader and innovator for the Chapter: Harry A. Mark, FAIA

For the past two years, Harry has fearlessly led our Columns teams. We joke that Harry didn’t know what he was signing up for when he agreed to serve as editor of Columns, but he has tackled every challenge thrown his way – from editorial and graphic direction, to strategic advertising decisions, to the human resources side of running a publication. His vision for Columns to reach beyond the profession to engage potential clients has led to annual themes that challenge us – Equity, Ego, Morality, and Fashion were this year’s topics. His impeccable graphic eye has taken the publication to new heights, advocating for a redesign and for more engaging illustrations and photography. AND – he does all of this while juggling between his two office locations in Dallas and San Clemente.”

–President, Nunzio DeSantis, FAIA

We’d like to congratulate you, Harry, on all your hard work and your service to the American Institute of Architects. We’re grateful for your leadership in the architecture and design community, as well as here at RSM Design!

Columns is a magazine that focuses on architecture and culture in Dallas, published by the AIA Dallas chapter. You can read the four 2017 issues online here: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall