The past year has been an exciting and prosperous one for us here at RSM Design. As the year winds to an end and we look towards 2017, we would like to take our time and resources to give back and show our thanks to our community. This year, we designed custom water bottles and challenged everyone to join us in donating funds to Filter of Hope, an organization dedicated to providing clean water to families around the world.

Filter of Hope worked to develop a water filter that removes bacteria, protozoa, and micro-organisms from contaminated water, and make it completely safe to drink. The filter costs $40, cleans up to 150 gallons a day, and lasts up to 10 years. Their filters have been distributed all over the country and across the globe, to communities living in poverty, countries struck by natural disaster, and to areas where the drinking water is deemed unsafe to consume. To date, Filter of Hope has distributed over 45,000 filters in 49 different countries, and helps to clean over 7,000,000 gallons of water every single day.

There are many ways to help out, and you can read about them here. A single $40 donation provides a family with enough clean drinking water to last 10 years, and we think that’s something to raise a glass to!

From everyone here at RSM Design, we’d like to say thank you for a stellar 2016, and cheers to 2017!