
Vibrantly colored buildings at Tirana East Gate in Albania’s capital city, Tirana
Project Updates
June 5, 2009

Tirana East Gate, Albania: Now in Full Color

As the rise of Eastern European development and tourism emerges, previously little-known cultures take on a fresh approach to modernization. RSM Design has the privilege of working with Laguarda.Low Architects and Mane TCI on the latest retail center being built in Albania’s capital city, Tirana. Na

As the rise of Eastern European development and tourism emerges, previously little-known cultures take on a fresh approach to modernization. RSM Design has the privilege of working with Laguarda.Low Architects and Mane TCI on the latest retail center being built in Albania’s capital city, Tirana. Named Tirana East Gate based on its location in the eastern part of the city, the designs and architecture were inspired by the vibrantly colored buildings that make the city drastically unique to eastern counterparts. The project’s signage and specialty graphics fearlessly use color combined with layers of translucency that capture the feeling of a brilliant culture on the rise. RSM Design met an interesting challenge to choose, coordinate and design for European prefabricated interior sign systems. Based on a selected interior sign family, RSM achieved harmony between the juxtaposition of custom designs and standardized forms. We are excited to see this vivid project come to life!

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RSM Design collaborated with Vans to create a one-of-a-kind pair of shoes.
RSM Culture
June 5, 2009

Vans, Eames & RSM Design

What do you get when RSM Design and Vans meet up? Some seriously stylin’ shoes is what. It’s a known fact in the design industry that shoes to a designer is like cream to coffee. RSM Design collaborated with Vans to create a one-of-a-kind pair of shoes. Eames’ black on charcoal small dot fabric was paired with Vans “Authentic” shoe and topped off with snazzy yellow trim. Needless to say they turned out pretty sweet. Cheers to Vans and our lovely contact Allison for such great teamwork!

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Detail photograph of ADA Compliant tactile signage
May 4, 2009

RSM University · ADA Workshop

Our most recent RSMU meeting covered the latest and greatest in Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. A member of our team attended the ADA Workshop put on by SEGD and then briefed the rest of the crew on the newest updates and changes in ADA compliance. While the task of clearly understanding ADA compliance requirements and local code enforcement can be daunting, the workshop provided an excellent rundown of updates, changes and processes within the ADA. Topics covered were Environmental Graphic Design firm competencies, the very useful ADA Checklist, what’s new with Title 24 in California, ADA Sign Package Guidelines and SEDG Americans with Disabilities Act Certification. What handy and beneficial information for current and future projects!

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Kyle, Suzanne, and Harry gather around a table pouring over some books
RSM Culture
April 29, 2009

Presenting RSM University · RSM Gets Smart(er)

As designers we continually remain students of the world around us. There are always new ideas, cultures, places, styles, methods and forms of inspiration to be soaked in and cultivated. So when it comes to learning, the more the better.

In order to nourish our passion for growing as designers, RSM Design has introduced a new program titled RSM University as a part of our team schedule. RSMU is designed to be a series of ‘learning lunches’ with the overall  goal of Learn + Teach + Practice = Growth. We believe that the best way to learn something is to teach it yourself, with the target objective of broadening our perspectives on creativity and the arts, polishing our skill sets and refining efficiency both in imaginative output and production. If you find yourself feeling hungry for inspiration, come on by and fill up at our next meeting.

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Publication of Aphrodisias in Turkey, in which drawings by Harry Mark were featured
April 28, 2009

Harry Mark’s Drawings Featured in a Publication on Aphrodisias

Congratulations to RSM Design Principal Harry Mark on the recent publication of his architectural and archaeological drawings featured in the museum-quality book, “Aphrodisias: City and Sculpture in Roman Asia” by renowned historian R.R.R. Smith and photographer Ahmet Ertug. This opulent volume features drawings and photographs of a multitude of buildings, sculptures and artifacts from the site.

Harry has dedicated the past 15 summers as a senior architect in remote Turkey, directing and teaching a team of graduate architecture students in drawing and reconstructing at the ancient archaeological excavation of Aphrodisias. The site, dated to the early Roman Empire, plays a key role in the study of Greek and Roman interaction and transition through the ages. It is best known for its shrine to the goddess Aphrodite and also its marble sculptors who are believed to have worked abroad on other reputable commissions.

To purchase a copy, please visit

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Martin Schwartz in front of the Great Sphinx in Giza
RSM Culture
April 10, 2009

Ancient Environmental Graphics at the Pyramids and Stonehenge?

Martin and Harry went on an archaeological search looking for the origins of ancient branding and environmental graphics at the Great Pyramids (on the back of camels no less) and then at Stonehenge. OK, OK, truth be told…..they took a few days off to do a bit of site seeing while in Egypt recently. On their return trip from Abu Dhabi (to present the concept identity designs for Ferrari World) the two did a bit of marketing and interviewed for a new exciting project in Cairo – will get back to you on that project. Then, they took advantage of a lengthy layover in London to search again for the origins of mystical environmental graphics at Stonehenge. There are advantages to layovers at Heathrow after all! So, you must be wondering…..did they find the origins of environmental graphics?

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